In 2010, Operation Support Military Heroes started as an after school club at a local elementary school in Maricopa AZ.- Letters To Soldiers Club. Throughout the school year students would create cards and letters sent to troops serving overseas. We now partner with church youth groups, Boys/Girl Scouts and others who send hero cards of support. We continue to support Veterans through the Honor Flight Program and support k9 and their handlers with Military Working Dog Organizations. We are thankful for our military and this is our way to show support to those serving far from home.
**As of August 2018, we became a Non Profit 501c 3 Tax Exempt organization.**
Please visit our facebook page and consider a "like" and share. Weekly updates on the page highlight a military member on our Salute Saturdays, and we show our appreciation with a Thankful Tuesday special note. Thank you for visiting our site, and feel free to look at the Kid’s Creations cards and letters and also read through some of the replies received from the troops. We appreciate your support to OSMH and of course our brave men and women serving overseas protecting our freedoms.
Heather Blakely - Founder
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